Sunday, April 27, 2008

3 Easy steps to start

At first You need a spam free email account for ur own use.
Make a new email account for ur online earning from gmail/hotmail/yahoo.

Secondly You need to make your free personal online payment processor account for receiving money from earning website.Online payment processor will collect your money from your earning website and by your request online payment processor account will send payment check to your postal address. Here you need to make a free alertpay personal pro account.To make it totally free.You will get 3 types Alertpay account.
1) Personal
2) Personal pro strater-Second type of Alertpay account (This is required)
3) Upgraded account.

This is better to make personal pro account for you.Because this type of account is secured from spammer and cheaters and moreover from hacker.So
click here to start making ur alertpay account freely and select the second option(pertsonal pro starter) from the registration or sign up page. Your spam free email account will be alertpay account id.Alertpay gives their customer id by thier email address.
Start from here.

Now thirdly and finally you need soem reliable and trusted PTC sites to join and for visiting ads.You simply free join with any PTC site by your spam free email account and with your personal pro Alertpay email account.After successfull regsistartion with any PTC site. u simply login urself and after login u will click surf ads/view ads section for visiting ads.At surf ads page u will get soem text link ads for visiting.Every ads have a unique value and every ad will open in a new window after ur click.The ad will stay there for 30 seconds and after 30 seconds u will get a confirmation word and a confirmation mark.Remember both should be needed(A confirmation marka dn a confirmation word). Like Done\.After getting Done and \ or tick amrk u shall simply close that page and u will open the next text link ads.In this way you will visit all the ads for that day one after one and after finishing all u will refresh that page for any other extra link.If none then simply go to your my stats page and select the referral link and copy that for ur personal referral system.U will also see ur stats from that page (how much u earned from that day).if you think ur earning is less then u need to join more and more reliable and trusted sites or from one site u need to reffer more and more peoples in a secured system.

Here are example: Like:

U visit 10 ads from 1 website = 10 x $0.01= $0.10
U visit 10 ads from 10 websites= 10 x 10 x $0.01= $1.00 is ur regualr earning
U visit 10 ads from 10 websites for 30 days(1 month)=10 x 10x 30 x $0.01= $30.00

On the another way if u reffer more people for 1 site then see an example:

You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
» 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
» Your daily earnings = $2.10
» Your weekly earnings = $14.70
» Your monthly earnings = $63.00

Ok.Now u have to need to join more and reliable trusted PTC sites which are regularly paying much more members worlwide.Here u get some reliable and trusted PTC site links for your personal use.U simply click any link to register.

IMPORTANT [ Sign up from below list PTC sites afetr making successfully Alertpay account]

The most realible and trusted PTC site links are given below which are paying me regularly.

PTC:4 Click Here Or click the below banner:
Another strongly recommended PTC

The ads will come to your account in every 24 hours.U simply check ur ads for visiting once a day.For more details and for any discussions u may chat with me:
Skype: masudptc
Windowns live:
Online assistance: Call me:88-01819147644
After some days of ur work within PTC, alertpay money will be available in your account.Now you need to exchange that money in to real cash.If you are outside from bangladesh then plz make an inquery to alertpay that alertpay banking service is available or not for ur country.If available then directly transafer ur alertpay money to authorized bank account.If not then you need to follow the wya that --- you just request a payment check to alertpay when ur alertpay account have soem money and when u r interested to withdraw that money.Alertpay will deduct a small ammount of charge for sending that payment check to u(posting charge $2).Receive that payment check and directly go to ur any bank account where they have foreign currency exchange division.Simply get that payment check money in to ur bank account.Still now Alertpay does not started worldwide bank transfer facility.Some of the countries of the worldwide are getting this facility and we hope at the enar future this will availabel to worldwide.
[For bangladeshies-Simply request check from ALertpay when u have some money in ur alertpay account and go to ur enarest foreign currency exchnage holder banks(like DBBL, Standard Chartard, Prime, Brac or any bank who acceps foreign currency) after receiving taht payment check.

If you know details about E-gold then you may also exchange your alertpay money directly to your e-gold account.But before that you need to make alertpay account verified by sending documents to Alertpay.Alertpay give the chance to withdraw money in E-gold accounts worldwide only for verified alertpay members.

Here are some questions and answers for removing ur confusion/Some rules for use to PTC site
Member FAQ

PTC(Paid to click) is NOT a Autosurf, Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, Ponzi, Matrix or "Get Rich Quick" scheme.
What is PTC?
PTC is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on "Surf Ads" page.
How does it work?
You view websites in 30 second sessions via the "Surf Ads" page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you'll either get a green tick sign or a red 'X'. The green tick sign means you've earned $0.01 and as premium member $0.015 for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit. You'll get red X's when you have more than one website from the "Surf Ads" page open. When this happens, you get no credit.
Can other people in my household join?
They must have a valid unique e-mail address and valid unique AlertPay address/account to register with our program, along with a unique internet connection (IP). As far as cheating goes, our software detects users who create fictitious accounts and use the same computer so if someone else in your household wants to join and will legitimately use their account; you shouldn't be flagged for abuse.
Can I have more than one account?
No. There is no need to maintain more than one account. If you've lost your login information, you can request to have it sent to your e-mail address. If you are caught with more then one account open (we have a very strict auditing process before payments are sent) your account(s) will be terminated, your ip address(es) will be banned and you will not receive any earnings.
My network, school or ISP all use the same or randomly used IP addresses, can I join?
It's up to you, don't forget you should have an IP address that is not used by another member. The same general rule applies from the previous questions.
How much money can I make?
PTC(Paid to click ) sites pay you $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.01 for each website your referrals visit. As premium member $0.015 for each website you visit and $0.012 for each website your referrals visit. There is no limit in the amount of websites you visit or referrals that you obtain. Your earning possibilities are virtually endless.
How do I refer others?
Use your unique referral code found within the user area "My Stats".
How can I cancel my account?
Inactive accounts are automatically cancelled after certain time.
Why I have to click twice to see the green tick?
Check your antivirus, antispyware/adware programs, your browser settings for cookies and java script acceptance. If this doesn't work, try cleaning your cache or reboot your computer.
Why I have not received my password request?
You need to make sure that mail from the PTC sitesis not being blocked, Try adding PTC mailing list to your address book.
I can't see any ads!
If you see no ad links on the "Surf Ads" page but you DO see stats on the right hand side then you need to disable all antivirus and antispyware/adware programs. If this doesn't work, try cleaning your cache, temp files, cookies, etc. If you're still having problems after all of that, try changing or updating your browser.
My stats aren't updating!
This is either because your browser is saving the page in it's cache or you're not waiting for the dollar sign to appear after the timer is complete. Try cleaning your cache, temp files, cookies, etc. If you're still having problems after all of that, try changing or updating your browser.
I keep getting "Invalid verification code entered." when I try to register or login!
First, make sure you are correctly typing in the verification code. If you are typing in the correct code and still having problems then it's something to do with your browser caching the previously used session image. Try cleaning your cache, temp files, cookies, etc. If you're still having problems after all of that, try changing or updating your browser.
How often are the statistics updated?
Stats are updated immediately.
How do I get paid?
If you have at least $10.00 accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your stats area and it will submit your request. Currently, we only make payments via AlertPay. We will soon be using other methods of payment.
When do I get paid?
You can request for payment once you're account balance is at least $10.00. Your payment will be processed and issued via AlertPay as soon as possible. You can only request one payment at the time.What is AlertPay?AlertPay is the payment processing solution that we use to pay members. Your AlertPay address is the e-mail address you use to register with AlertPay. You can get a free AlertPay account from here.
For any questions : feel free to contact with me
Skype: masudptc Or
feel free to write,
Online assistance: Call me:88-01819147644 /88-01737211351 /8801552451969

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there

I seen you request at Clickthru forume

My name is Makere simmonds and I have a growing group of bloggers whom are making money on google ads Cdpro and Adbrite ads

It consist of other members clicking on google or other ads mentioned above for a mare 30sec and this causes traffic to your blogg. plus getting paid from google

You need more informaiton

leave a message and contact details
every ;little thing counts lol
